Mrs. Avidon
Mrs. Michelle
Mrs. Randall
Mrs. Chesser
Mrs. Milstein
Mrs. Berger
Some of my friends were:
Steven Gaber
Richard Jacobowitz
Ron Freisenger
Ronnie Blum
Ronnie Bierman
Michael Weisbrot
Jeffrey Little
Lorin Merinoff
Jeffrey Mehler
Philip Kart
Robert Stok
Mark Epstein
Robert Klein
Joel Truehaft
Maybe these guys will google their names and find this journal. A few years ago I reconnected online with Richard who changed his surname to Jacoby and lives in California. In the Spring of 2000 I met Steven Gaber who now lives in Toronto and we walked around the old neighborhood. I spoke with Robert Klein on the phone some years back. He lived in Virginia back in the 1990s.
I may as well talk about my Hebrew School years at the Rego Park Jewish Center. We left PS 139 at 3:00 and had to go for Hebrew classes at 3:30. Everybody hated learning the Hebrew language since it was so difficult with different letters and vowels. One of my teachers there Jay Bushinsky becam a journalist and has been the correspondant from Israel for 1010 WINS radio. I remember Mr. Yardeni, the mean music teacher. I fondly remember Rabbi Josiah Derby, syngagogue assistant Jack Feldman, Cantor Morris Loewy who gave the Bar Mitzvah lessons. Right next to the temple was a barber shop. Back in the early 60s, the adult price was $1.25 and children paid $1.00. The barber who was not Jewish always asked a young man when is his Bar Mitzvah. Of course, we all liked to brag about that, so if we had our big ceremony we had to pay the adult price.
Here is a good web site about Rego Park.
Sometime soon I will write about my days at Russell Sage Junior High School and Camp Wel-MetThose were the days.
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