Sunday, December 18, 2005


On Saturday night we went to Queens College to see them beat C.W. Post 84-68.  It is Division II basketball, but it is certainly a bargain.  We pay $5 for adults and $3 for Lee as a student.  It is certainly cheaper than paying $40/ticket to see the Knicks who are now 6-17 under multimillion dollar coach Larry Brown.  On Sunday we went to the movies.  We were going to see King Kong, but we would have to wait for 2 hours.  Instead we saw Just Friends.  It seems that it the "In Thing" to go to a blockbluster movie on the opening weekend.  We'll wait until next. week.  Now I will have to sweat out the threatened transit strike for Tuesday.  If they pull it off, I will use vacation time.  Why should I struggle with Bumper to Bumper traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway to stare out at a computer lab.

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