Sunday, December 4, 2005

Crummy weather today

There was light snow this morning which later turned to rain.  It was only about an inch, but it kept me inside most of the day.  Maybe you can call it Seasonal Affective Disorder or Cabin Fever, but I just hate being cooped up in the apartment.  The winter hasn't started yet.  We saw the movie Mine, Yours, and Ours at the College Point Multiplex.  It is nice to have a movie theater complex within walking distance.  I must get out of the house even in the worst weather.  yester we drove out to Hofstra University to see the mens' basketball team beat the University of Delaware 79-65.  When I got home I listened to the return of Musicradio WABC 77.  People are still venting after WCBS-FM abruptly dropped oldies for the Jack format last June.  Back to work tomorrow.  I have to put up with the bean counters and bureaucrats in the NJIT Library.

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