Monday, January 23, 2006

Dylan - Rolling Thunder and the Gospel Years 1975-81

Why I am I listening to Jazz when I am writing yet another blog entry about Bob Dylan?  Duh!  I don't know.  Anyway about two months ago I ordered a DVD from Highway 61 Entertainment run by Joel Gilbert who looks like Dylan and fronts a Bob Dylan tribute band.  He produced a DVD which covers the history of Bob Dylan from 1975-81.  Tonight I only watched the first hour.  There was a long interview with Rubin Hurricaine Carter.  Back in 1975 Dylan wrote a song about the Hurricaine who was wrongly accused on a murder in Patterson, NJ.  In this segment Gilbert also interviewed Rob Stoner, Scarlett Rivera, and others who backed Dylan at that time.  The next segment will discuss the Rolling Thunder Revue.

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