Sunday, January 8, 2006

Ticket Buying Weekend

I'm in my Sunday night grrove of listening to Brian Matthew's show on BBC2.  Thank goodness for Internet Radio since commercial radio on AM/FM radio is so crappy these days after the demise of WCBS-FM.  Lee is watching his buddy Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes.  Yesterday I ordered a 6 pack of tickets for the Mets.  This is the only way that I could get tickets for a Met-Yankee game.  Today I ordered tickets for Ring of Fire, the musical based on the music of Lee's beloved Johnny Cash.  I ordered tickets for Saturday February 18th while the show is still in Previews.  I had wanted to see the musical Lennon, but it closed after a few weeks.  Hopefully, Ring of Fire will be a success.  We saw the Elvis Presley musical All Shook Up, last year, but it closed within a few months.  Today we drove to Hofstra to see the Women's basketball team beat Drexel 65-52.  If we had stayed home we would have seen the Giants lose to the Carolina Panthers 23 -0.

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