Sunday, March 5, 2006

NYCAC Tournament Final

NYCAC stands for the New York Collegiate Athletic Conference in NCAA Division II.  Schools in the conference include Queens College and C.W. Post.  Over the course of the season why have gone to several conference games since the admission is only $5 which is much less than having to pay $45 to sit in the stratosophere at Madision Square Garden to see a team with a $125 million payroll lose 70% of their games.  Today we arrived at the Pratt Center of C.W. Post on Long Island at about 1 PM to see the second half of the Women's final.  The University of New Haven defeated C.W. Post 64-50.  In the men's final Adelphi beat the University of Bridgeport 74-62.  After the game we went to Ben's Deli in Greenvale where I ate my corned beef and pastrami.

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