Wednesday, August 30, 2006

26 years ago today

In late July 1980 for the very first time I was stood up for a date.  I had made a date with this young lady over the phone.  When I came to her door, she just said I just don't want to go out.  For a short time I was "down in the dumps" over this.  At that time I worked for Schering-Plough in Bloomfield, NJ.  A few weeks later my colleague Arlene Shapiro asked me if I would like to meet her sister-in-law Karen who lived in Queens.  I made a date with her for Saturday night August 30, 1980.  We went to see an ice show at Nassau Coliseum.  To make a very long story short we were married on October 16, 1983.  It shows that one can "bounce back" from a disappointment.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Modern Times by Bob Dylan Out Today

As expected the new CD Modern Times by Bob Dylan was released today.  Yes, it is hard to believe that Bob has been recording since 1962.  How many recording artists from that era are still around today?  The librarians reading this blog can Google to find reviews.  To be more professional they should search Lexis Nexis :)  I found out some more good Dylan news today.  He will be playing at Nassau Coliseum on November 13th.  Back in the 1960s I had to scrape up my allowance money to buy albums.  I remember running to Alexanders in Rego Park on Friday to see what albums were on sale.  The problem today is that there are so few stores selling CDs.  I could have downloaded Modern Times from Itunes, but I wanted the booklet that comes with the CD.  For a few more dollars there was a DVD of four videos.  Since Lee is off from school Karen took him to the Times Square area.  They went to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum where Lee took a picture with Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash.  From there they went to the Virgin Record store where Karen bought the CD, DVD and Rolling Stone magazinine with Dylan on the cover.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baseball Tour - Day 4

Day 4 – Saturday August 26


We left the motel near St. Louis at 8 AM and arrived in Chicago at 2 PM.  The first stop was Harry Caray’s, a restaurant named for the famous broadcaster for the Cardinals, Cubs, and White Sox.  We ate from a delicious Italian buffet.  From there we went to US Cellular Field on the south side of Chicago.  The game was briefly delayed by a shower at 5:45 PM.  This game between the Minnesota Twins and White Sox turned out to be the best of all we saw on this trip.  Many of the people in our group were from Minnesota or Wisconsin and were avid Twin fans.  The Twins had a 6-3 lead but the White Sox rallied to tie game a 7 at the end of 9 innings.  The Twins scored in the top of the 11th and won the game 8-7.

Baseball Tour - Day 3

Day 3 – Friday August 25th


 We left the hotel at 10:30 AM for downtown St. Louis.  Our first stop was the landmark Gateway Arch.  We took a tram to the top where we were able to see Illinois on one side and St. Louis from the other.  There was also s museum with artifacts concerning the opening of the west.  From there we went to the new Busch Stadium, which just opened this season.  The tour guides showed us the luxury boxes and let us sit in the dugouts.  The next stop was the St. Louis Cardinals Museum and Bowling Hall of Fame that were in the same building.  Dinner for us was in Mike Shannon’s a restaurant owned and operated by the former Cardinal player.  The game, which started at 7 PM, was a match up between regional rivalries the Cubs and Cardinals.  The Cardinals won the game 2-0 in spite of leaving 15 men on base. (  Although the Cubs scored 11 runs against the Phillies yesterday, the Cards shut them out today.  When we arrived back at the hotel Jay was selling t-shirts with logos of his tour company.

Baseball Tour - Day 2

Day 2 – Thursday August 24th


We left the motel in Milwaukee at 9 AM and traveled to Chicago where we arrived at 11 AM by Wrigley Field.  We walked around the neighborhood called Wrigleyville until 12:30 Pm when we went into the ball park.  We had great seats just on the third base side of home plate on the lower level.  The game turned out to be a blowout with the Cubs defeating the Philadelphia Phillies 11-2.  ( )  The actor Harold Ramis sang Take Me Out To the Ball Game during the 7th inning stretch.  Jay Buckley, our tour guide, gave us 1 ½ hours to eat dinner near the ball park.  We departed Wrigley at 5:15 PM.  Jay gave us a little tour of Chicago as we drove toward St. Louis.  He showed us a video of the history of the St. Louis Cardinals.  He later gave everyone a chance to talk about themselves.  I went up to the microphone and spoke about my history with the New York Mets.  We arrived at the motel in Collinsville, IL at 11:15.  We spent about 8 hours today on the bus.

Baseball Tour - Day 1

Day 1 – Wednesday August 23rd


As expected the beginning of the day was uneventful.  After we ate a continental breakfast provided by the hotel, we walked around the area for a short time but there was nothing there except for warehouses and factories.  We spent most of the morning watching television.  At 12 Noon when we had to leave the room we met several of our “tour mates” in the lobby.  We met people from San Francisco, North Dakota, and Minnesota.  The tour bus, which picked up people in Wisconsin, arrived at 1:45 PM  It left at 2 PM and arrived at Miller Park in Milwaukee at 4 PM when our tailgate party began.  There were plenty of hamburgers, bratwust and beer for all.  Miller Park which opened in 2001 is certainly a beautiful stadium.  Since there was a threat of rain, the retractable dome was closed.  The Milwaukee Brewers beat the Colorado Rockies 7 –1.  Kaz Matsui who was dropped by the Mets earlier in the season played for the Rockies.  For a recap please see

Baseball Tour - Prelude

Last winter I did some Google searching for baseball tours.  I found that Jay Buckley in La Crosse, Wisconsin runs many such trips each year.  We picked this trip in late August which was most convenient for us.  We would be visiting Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wrigley Field in Chicago, the new Busch Stadium in St. Louis and back to Chicago to see US Cellular Field, home of the White Sox.


Tuesday August 22nd.


We left the house at 9:30 AM and arrived at LaGuardia Airport at about 10:00 AM.  The line for security was not too bad, but we had to take off our shoes and were not allowed to take liquids on the plane.  American Airlines Flight 325 left on time at 12 noon and we arrived at Chicago-O’Hare at 1:15 PM.  Our motel, the Exel Inn was about 15 minutes away in an industrial area.  We decided to arrive a day early to make sure we met the tour bus on time on Wednesday.  There was just nothing to so at or near this motel except to watch television or read.  A Subway Sandwich shop was the only place within walking distance to eat dinner.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Off to the Midwest Tomorrow

The flight leaves tomorrow at 12 noon for Chicago.  We'll have to get to LaGuardia by 10 AM in time for the rigorous security.  Then it is off to Miller Park, Wrigley Field, Busch Stadium and US Cellular Stadium  I am taking a pen and paper to take notes and will add to this blog when I return. Most hotels have WIFIs these days, but I don't have a laptop so I'll have to wait until I return.  If I find an internet cafe, I will not check my work e-mail.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hot and Humid today

Since it was hot and humid today we decided not to go to Shea to see the Mets.  We will be seeing 4 games later in this week, so we decided to go to a movie.  We saw Accepted which was about some kids who create a college who would accept them.  The kids in the movie were Lee's age.  The Mets won 2-0 without us, but let's hope that Tom Glavine's condition is not serious.  The Yankee-Red Sox Game should be starting in a few minutes.  I hope that after Tuesday the Red Sox can bounce back and win the wild card so the Yankees can beat them in the ALCS to make up for 2004.  I am really hoping for a repeat of the 2000 Subway series with the opposite result.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Crocheron Park/Bayside Marina

We went to Crocheron Park in Bayside today just to walk around.  You can see a picture of me by the Bayside Marina.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Baseball Books for my Baseball Trip

Back in the old days there were small bookstores all over.  Today I had to drive over to a Barnes and Nobles superstore at Utopia Parkway and Union Turnpike to buy some books for my trip.  It certainly would make sense to buy baseball books for a baseball trip.  I certainly don't want to read anything about library science, chemistry or micromanagement.  No Dilbert books for me, please. I resisted the temptation get yet another Bob Dylan book.  I will listen to his new CD at the end of the day on Tuesday August 29th. I bought Tales from the Mets Dugout by Bruce Markusen and Did Babe Ruth Call His Shot and other Unsolved Mysteries of Baseball by Paul Aron.  I hope that readers of this blog don't criticize me from not putting my bibliography in MLA or APA format.:) 

Thursday, August 17, 2006

On Vacation!!!

I don't have to put up with the lunacy, hypocrisy, mediocrity, and prejudice of the management at work until Monday August 28th.  I'll be taking it easy until Tuesday when I take off for my baseball tour in Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Louis.  Then on August 29th the CD Modern Times by Bob Dylan is released.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

More on the digital camera

It was a nice day so we decided to take a walk around Little Neck Bay in Douglaston today.  We took the digital camera to get some more experience using it before our trip.  Above is a photo of Lee and Karen.  I will not take my camera to work to take pictures of students in the information commons.  This has been done umpteen times by my beloved friend :)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

We got a digital camera

My wife Karen was always very slow at adapting to new technologies.  I had a computer in the house for about 8 years before she even touched one.  We didn't get a cell phone until late 2002.  Whenever we go on vacation, she always took a cheap disposable camera.  I finally convinced her to get a digital camera.  We went over to the local Radio Shack and bought a Kodak digital camera.  It wasn't necessary to get the most expensive model, but we got one.  Anyway, we experimented with it for a while.  You can see photos of Karen and Lee.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Today's photo of me

For some strange reason, I don't pose for many pictures.  Today, my colleague Heather, a regular reader of this blog, brought in her digital camera and took some pictures of me outside the NJIT Library.  I ran into someone last week whom I haven't seen in 14 years who said that I did not age.  I have my full head of hair with very few grays.  I guess at the NJIT Library one must either be follically challenged or have a pony tail to get into the managerial ranks.  3 day weekend coming up.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The Times They Are A Changin' Musical

I think one of my earlier posts discussed the coming of The Times They Are A Changin' musical which features the music of Bob Dylan with choreography by Twyla Tharp.  This will be similar to the Movin' Out musical that she did with Billy Joel's music.  Anyway, the tickets just went on sale.  I ask Karen to go to the Box office of the Brooks Atkinson Theater on Broadway so we could save on the Ticketmaster fee.  She went there and found out that the actual box office does not open until September 6th.  I decided to get the tickets for Saturday October 7th through Ticketmaster.  Remember the new Dylan CD Modern Times comes out August 29th.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Funeral Today

The Herschafts have been friends of the Slutsky family since the 1950s.  My mother met Eleanor back then when they were active in the Rego Park Chapter of Deborah.  I met their son Roy in Forest Hills High School back in the mid 1960s.  I remember walking with him to Forest Hills High School all those years ago.  We used to memorize the WABC and WMCA surveys of the top hits of that era.  Roy used to be a big fan of Diana Ross and the Supremes while I was an advocate of Bob Dylan and the Beatles.  We have been good friends since then though both of us had moved around quite a bit since then.

Roys mother Eleanor passed away Thursday after being ill for several months.  We thought she was on the road to recovery but she apparently suffered a second heart attack and passed away at the age of 85.  Today was her funeral at the Mt Zion Cemetery in Maspeth Queens.  There were only 20 or so people since she had a small family and had outlived many of her contemporaries.  Karen, Lee and my mother were there to give Roy our support.  It's always better to get together at Simchas.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Just Shopping and a movie today

I needed a pair of shoes so we went to the Macy's in downtown Flushing and bought a pair of shoes.  We returned home and then walked over to the local multiplex where we saw Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby starring Will Ferrell.  It had its funny moments.  I would assume that this movie would be more popular down south where Nascar racing is very popular.