Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baseball Tour - Day 3

Day 3 – Friday August 25th


 We left the hotel at 10:30 AM for downtown St. Louis.  Our first stop was the landmark Gateway Arch.  We took a tram to the top where we were able to see Illinois on one side and St. Louis from the other.  There was also s museum with artifacts concerning the opening of the west.  From there we went to the new Busch Stadium, which just opened this season.  The tour guides showed us the luxury boxes and let us sit in the dugouts.  The next stop was the St. Louis Cardinals Museum and Bowling Hall of Fame that were in the same building.  Dinner for us was in Mike Shannon’s a restaurant owned and operated by the former Cardinal player.  The game, which started at 7 PM, was a match up between regional rivalries the Cubs and Cardinals.  The Cardinals won the game 2-0 in spite of leaving 15 men on base. (  Although the Cubs scored 11 runs against the Phillies yesterday, the Cards shut them out today.  When we arrived back at the hotel Jay was selling t-shirts with logos of his tour company.

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