Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baseball Tour - Prelude

Last winter I did some Google searching for baseball tours.  I found that Jay Buckley in La Crosse, Wisconsin runs many such trips each year.  We picked this trip in late August which was most convenient for us.  We would be visiting Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wrigley Field in Chicago, the new Busch Stadium in St. Louis and back to Chicago to see US Cellular Field, home of the White Sox.


Tuesday August 22nd.


We left the house at 9:30 AM and arrived at LaGuardia Airport at about 10:00 AM.  The line for security was not too bad, but we had to take off our shoes and were not allowed to take liquids on the plane.  American Airlines Flight 325 left on time at 12 noon and we arrived at Chicago-O’Hare at 1:15 PM.  Our motel, the Exel Inn was about 15 minutes away in an industrial area.  We decided to arrive a day early to make sure we met the tour bus on time on Wednesday.  There was just nothing to so at or near this motel except to watch television or read.  A Subway Sandwich shop was the only place within walking distance to eat dinner.

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