Sunday, August 6, 2006

Funeral Today

The Herschafts have been friends of the Slutsky family since the 1950s.  My mother met Eleanor back then when they were active in the Rego Park Chapter of Deborah.  I met their son Roy in Forest Hills High School back in the mid 1960s.  I remember walking with him to Forest Hills High School all those years ago.  We used to memorize the WABC and WMCA surveys of the top hits of that era.  Roy used to be a big fan of Diana Ross and the Supremes while I was an advocate of Bob Dylan and the Beatles.  We have been good friends since then though both of us had moved around quite a bit since then.

Roys mother Eleanor passed away Thursday after being ill for several months.  We thought she was on the road to recovery but she apparently suffered a second heart attack and passed away at the age of 85.  Today was her funeral at the Mt Zion Cemetery in Maspeth Queens.  There were only 20 or so people since she had a small family and had outlived many of her contemporaries.  Karen, Lee and my mother were there to give Roy our support.  It's always better to get together at Simchas.

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