Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hofstra Football again

We drove out to Hempstead again today and saw Hofstra lose to Northeastern 34-24.  This will be our last football game of the season.  Tonight I took the subway to Manhattan to meet Jon Binstock for dinner.  I became acquainted with Jon about 10 years ago on the Prodigy radio boards.  Neither of us is in the radio business; we just follow it as a hobby.  We went for dinner at the Carnegie Deli on 7th Avenue and 55th Street.  I had a wopper of a pastrami sandwich.  We were talking about radio aand the woman sitting next to us said she had worked for Clear Channel radio some years back, but since then had gotten out of the radio business.

Saturday night oldies was only on from 6-6:30 tonight since WABC was carrying a hockey game.  At that time I was in Manhattan with Jon.  Someone has already downloaded it and posted it to a message board.  I am listening to a recording of it.


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