Tuesday, December 26, 2006

David Crosby Book

It's nice to have the week off.  I don't have to schlep to Jersey to stare out at a computer lab and cope with the lunacy, hypocrisy, mediocrity and prejudice of the management.  I stopped in the Queens Public Library branch down the street from where I live.  I have very low expectations of this small branch.  I don't even go near the computers there.  I use a low tech approach by just browsing the shelves for a book that may be of interest.  Today, I found the book David Crosby: Since Then:  How I survived Everything and Lived to Tell About it.  David Crosby was an original member of the Byrds and Crosby Stills Nash (and Sometimes Young).  This book is a  sequel to Long Time Gone: The Autobiography of David Crosby published in 1988.  Today, I read the first 30 or so pages.  I looked through my vinyl collection and found one LP of David Crosby as a solo artist and several of Crosby Stills Nash and their various permutations.

1 comment:

  1. Haha.  I take a different approach.  Me - I won't be anywhere near a library this week.  I can't be reminded in anyway of that place.  Anyway...

    The David Crosby book should be interesting if its autobiographical.  Based on interviews I have listened to, he did some crazy things.  I have to wonder if it can truly be autobiographical not because I deny the validity of the stories but if he could remember everything.  Didn't he almost die because of drugs?

    Have a Happy New Year - seriously, because the next day you have to 'schlep' back to Jersey.  
