Friday, March 16, 2007

Two Professional Meetings in Two Days

It was Spring break week at NJIT and the library was very slow.  Although there were no classes, the library was open and we were expected to come to work.  Yesterday I went to a meeting at Princeton University  called Technology and Library Services:  Meeting Today's User Needs.  The presentations discussed the use of Myspace and Facebook among other social networking software in libraries.  Today I went to a meeting at Laguardia Community College in Queens for a meeting about information literacy.  It was nice not to have to schlep to Jersey for the day.  The meeting was only 1/2 day son I decided to take a half a vacation day and come home for the afternoon.  It was just as well since the weather was a mixture of snow and sleet.


  1. Snow and sleet, huh?  It was in the 70's here in northern Arizona.  And if I haven't rubbed it in enough, we get Spring break week off at Yavapai College!

  2. You have to watch out for the managers when things are slow.  There are just too many of them and they like to create unnecessary work.  How many strategic plans are enough?  By going to the meeting on Friday I missed a boration.
