Bruce Slutsky was born in New York City in 1949. I retired six years ago after working as a Science/Engineering Librarian at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark for 25 years. I was married to Karen until she passed away in February 2021. I have a son Lee who is now 35 years old. I am very much interested in the popular music of the 1960s, especially Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I am interested in rock and roll radio. I am an enthusiastic fan of the New York Mets.
Monday, May 28, 2007
WABC Rewound 2007
If you see my blog entry of Janury 1, 2006( you will read about my history as a radio enthusiast. From 1960-82 77 WABC radio was the premier top 40 station in America. Back in those days a radio station would play only the top hits of the day. WABC featured the top disk jockeys such as Harry Harrision, Ron Lundy, Dan Ingram, Bruce Morrow and others. Since 1999 on Memorial Day the station features WABC rewound where tapes of shows from the past are replayed. Right now I am listening to Dan Ingram from the summer of 1975 when I worked as a chemist for UOP Fragrances. I am listening to the special intermitantly while some radio "nuts" will be listening from 6 AM until 8 PM.
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