Thursday, June 7, 2007

METRO Science Librarians Meeting Today

I usually don't post about work related issue, but this afternoon was a meeting of the METRO Science Librarians Special Interest Group.  Back in the late 1980s and early 90s there was a group of science librarians that met in Manhattan.  In the Fall of 2000 I wanted to revive this group.  We had an organizational meeting of 15 at the Bobst Library at NYU.  Since there was an interest in the group we decided to affiliate with the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO).  Over the past 7 years I have organized about 25 meetings at their headquarters near Union Square in Manhattan.  I have met quite a few of my colleagues from other universities in the NYC area.  Today's meeting featured Bella Hass Weinberg of St. John's University and Shannon Kealey of NYU's Coles Science Center.  Running these meetings have been a source of professional satisfaction for me.

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