Saturday, June 9, 2007

WABC Rewound Cruise


WABC was a top 40 hits station from 1960-1982 when it became a news talk station.  Last night the station celebrated its 25th anniversary as a talk radio station by having a dinner cruise on the Hudson River.  We boarded the boat about 6:00 PM when I met many of my fellow radio enthusiasts including Alan Berman, Linda Cohen, Mary Shaw, Ron Soldano, Peter Kanze, and Rob Frankel.  Radio personalities from the talk and music era were there.  Mark Simone, Mark Levin, Johnny Donovan and Curtis Sliwa represented the talk era when Cousin Bruce Morrow and Dan Ingram came from the Music Radio days.  I was able to take photos there which may be seen at   Just click on the WABC Rewound Cruise album to see the photos from the cruise.  It was somewhat sad to see Soup Sales there in poor physical condition.  He was using a wheel chair and did not look well.  He is 81 years old.  He is noted for being on a children’s TV show, but in the 1980s also appeared on WNBC radio.  The highlight of the evening was my taking a photo with Cousin Bruce Morrow.

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