Sunday, July 22, 2007

Radio Comments of the Day

1.  I am obviously thrilled that CBS Radio realized their mistake and restored "oldies" to 101.1 FM.   I will continue to listen to other radio stations over the air and on the Internet.  Why should I give up listening to fine programs like Sounds of the Sixties of the BBC.  I will continue to listen to WFUV, WBGO, CD101.9 and Breakfast with the Beatles among others.

2.  The 80s music now heard on WCBS-FM is not my favorite, but I certainly accept the changes that were made to try to attract a younger audience.  I accept the fact that WCBS-FM will never be the same as it was from 1985-95.  Many of the heritage personalities have retired or moved on.

3.  This morning played Acoustic Sunrise, a show taken from JACK-FM.  I enjoy that genre of music, but just could not listen to JACK at all after the events of  June 3, 2005.  That music is often heard on WFUV.  I was always a fan of specialty shows and feel that this show could be an asset to WCBS-FM.

4.  I listened to parts of the Radio Greats Reunion heard on the Breeze from Long Branch, NJ.  Herb Oscar Anderson really sounded terrific at age 79.  Since the Met game ran late, I could only listen to the last 15 minutes of Don K. Reed's Doo Wop Shop.  Hopefully WCBS-FM will have a specialty show for early rock music.  It was interesting that Don never said WCBS-FM.  He called it "the other station."

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