Sunday, September 2, 2007

Cemetery Visits today

It is customary to visit the graves of loved ones before the high holy days in September.  I picked up my mother this morning and went with Karen and Lee to my dad's grave in New Montefiore Cemetery on Long Island.  It is hard to believe that it is 10 years since he passed away.  From there we visited the graves of Karen's mother and grandmother in a nearby cemetery.

On a happier note since Tuesday will be my mother's 88th birthday, we took her out for breakfast at the Scobee Diner in Little Neck on the way home.

I went to the BBC2 web site and there was no listing for Sounds of the Sixties this week.  Oh well.  So I am listening to the Acoustic Cafe on for the first time in many months.


1 comment:

  1. Bruce, this is your most poignant post on this blog.  Your mentioning of 10 years since your father's passing got me to thinking, can you belive it was 10 years ago this December that you and Haymwantee gave me my phone interview for NJIT?  You are right, 10 years goes very quickly when real-life interfers.  
    I hope all is well with you, Karen and Lee.
