Bruce Slutsky was born in New York City in 1949. I retired six years ago after working as a Science/Engineering Librarian at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark for 25 years. I was married to Karen until she passed away in February 2021. I have a son Lee who is now 35 years old. I am very much interested in the popular music of the 1960s, especially Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I am interested in rock and roll radio. I am an enthusiastic fan of the New York Mets.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Freshman Seminar Tomorrow at NJIT
As I start my 16th year at NJIT, I am also teaching a section of Freshman Seminar. I have done this almost since I began. It is difficult to keep 18 year olds "entertained" during the class period. I start out by saying that it will be the easiest class they will ever take, but they get no credit for it. This year I will only have to teach 6 weeks instead of the usual 10 weeks in other years. I will have to wait and see what happens tomorrow. Anything is better than babysitting a computer lab.
Why do students show up to a class that they get no credit for? I am being serious.