Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Almost 3000 hits

In almost 2 years there have been 3000 hits to this blog.  This number is misleading since it includes my hits to my own journal.  I'd like to thank the people who have read my posts that range from the ridiculous to the sublime.  At least there will be no posts about the Mets until next spring.  Thanks to:

Alan B - Saturday Night Oldies and WCBS-FM Enthusiast

Din G - the big Yankees fan from NJIT

Mike B - former NJIT colleague now out in Arizona.  Hey Mike, are you rooting for the Red Sox or the Diamondbacks?

Mike S - fellow Forest Hills High School Alumnus

Louise A - whom I met on the Jay Buckley Baseball tour this summer

Frank D - another Saturday Night Oldies  and WCBS-FM Enthusiast

Heather H - NJIT colleague and Bob Dylan enthusiast

Several People who asked for the MP3 file of the novelty song Noshville Katz

Everybody is welcome to make comments


  1. I'm Mister 3000!!! Where is my prize? How about a day off! yay!!!  

    BTW - the New York post-season starts on Thursday.  I don't need to provide more details because there is only one team in it! zing!  That is my last baseball joke.

  2. Bruce, I'd like to make a reservation for my Round-The-World Trip when your
    journal reaches 5,000 hits.

    With my luck, I'll take a flight on an airline who will in all probability go bankrupt while I'm in mid-air. We'll be forced to land in some undiscovered part of Cleveland because the pilot can't be paid.

    I've taken the liberty to bookmark your journal.

    Perhaps this is the first step on becoming a best selling author!

    Dave DuBrow
