Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm Not There Soundtrack CD

Yesterday I worked the late shift at the No Joke Is True place in beautiful downtown Newark.  Since I did not have to arrive until 1 PM I had time to stop at Borders just outside of Penn Station on 33rd Street.  I bought the greatly anticipated (for me at least) the soundtrack CD for I'm Not There which will play at the Film Forum starting on November 21.  The  2 CD set includes covers of Bob Dylan songs that will be heard in the film.  Generally I arrive home at 6 and it is a ritual in the Slutsky household for Lee to pick a CD to be played from 6:15 PM until 7:00 when Jeopardy comes on.  So today, we had time to listen to the first 7 cuts on the first of 2 CDs.  I really enjoyed Tombstone Blues by Richie Havens who in the past has done a fine job covering Dylan.

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