Sunday, November 25, 2007

Funeral Today

Today was the funeral for Karen's uncle Irving Kanis who passed away on Thursday.  Karen said that it was ironic the he died on Thanksgiving since several times in the 1980s we went to his house in Brooklyn for dinner.  He moved to Florida in the 1990s so I hadn't seen him much in recent years.  The last time I saw him was in 2001 at Lee's Bar Mitzvah.  He made to toast to Karen and me at our wedding in 1983.  I will miss him.


  1. Bruce, you and your family have my deepest condolences. It's ironic in that
    a very good friend of mine called me this morning to tell me his father had
    passed away.

    Truly a sad day.

    Take care and be well.

    Dave DuBrow

  2. Karen and Bruce and Lee:  Please accept our sympathy on the death of your uncle.  It is never easy saying good-bye to loved ones. What a blessing to have those memories of times together in Brooklyn.  And what a special memory from your wedding also. As we age ourselves, those memories mean more and more as they bind our family ties together.  Was the funeral held in Brooklyn?  Was Kanis the family name for Karen?  I went to school in Jersey City with a Carole Kanis. But maybe it's a common name. . .like Anderson!  We pray that God will grant the family of Irving Kanis deep peace.
    Dave and Louise
