Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Condolences to Linda C and family

My condolences to Linda C who lost her mother yesterday.  I met Linda in cyberspace in 1997 when we both posted on an AOL message board for fans of WCBS-FM.  Back then only AOL subscribers could access it, but now it is open to all.  You may try the following link to get to it:

There were only 6 - 8 regular posters on this folder.  In 2000, 2001, and 2003  I met her at small gatherings that I had organized at Mendy's Restaurant on 34th Street and Park Avenue.  I had to pick this strictly kosher restaurant to accommodate Al G who is orthodox.  So this virtual community became a real one.  I met Linda again at bigger gatherings of oldies radio enthusiasts in June 2006,  December 2006 and just last Saturday at Ben's Deli.  She mentioned her mother was quite ill.

Again, my condolences to her and her family at this very difficult time.


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