Friday, December 14, 2007

Four phone calls in 30 minutes - unusual for me

Just as Jeopardy ended at 7:30

#1 - Radio enthusiast Jon from Maryland called to catch up on things.  I originally met Jon on Prodigy circa 1995.  I hooked up with him a few weeks ago in Manhattan.

#2 - Radio enthusiast Vic called from Florida.  I tried to phone him from the radio gathering two weeks ago, but his phone number changed.  Vic goes back to the Prodigy days around 1995.

#3 - Radio ethusiast Herb from Queens.  He goes  back to 1978 and was best man at my wedding in 1983.  He must be the only person on the face of the earth who does not own a computer.

#4 - Mom - I've known her since 1949.  I was glad to hear that she got over her cold

I haven't heard yet this night from radio enthusiast Alan.  He is invited to call as long as he doesn't talk about the "next event"

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