Monday, December 24, 2007

The Jewish Museum on Christmas Eve

Today we took a trip to the Jewish Museum on 92nd Street and 5th Avenue.  Karen and Lee had been there before but not I.  There were 3 special exhibitions:

From The New Yorker to Shrek:  The Art of William Steig - this Jewish artist died in 2003 at the age of 96

Issac Bashevis Singer and the Lower East Side: Photographs by Bruce Davidson.  This Nobel Prize winning author lived from 1904-1991

Camille Pissaro: Impressions of City & Country - He was the only Jewish impressionist  artist.

It's nice to do something a little different for a change.


  1. Hey Bruce that's very cool thing 2 do. Check out my journal @

    please go and comment and stuff.. it good and tastful i'll give you a cookie :)

    if you can't get it then just email me your email @.

  2. Happy New Year.  It's been a while since I've checked your journal. Had to comment on this entry. I read in the Mpls. StarTribune that the Jewish community of the Twin cities, etc. had a special event on Christmas.  If I remember correctly, they rent the Dome and have basketball games for adults, lots of other stuff for kids. . .just a great time for all.  Sounds like they are getting serious about their basketball also!  You know how it goes-- start out like schoolyard games and pretty soon they have team names and stats and, I suppose, uniforms! No, I don't think they'll compete Division I.  It's been fun reading about your college going up a division - interesting to see if it works.  
