Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Memorial Service for Veronica Calderhead

In early November I reported the untimely passing of my  Rutgers colleague Veronica Calderhead.  Today I went to a memorial service for her at the Dana Library where she worked for 14 years.  There were tributes from her husband, Ka-Neng Au the Acting Director of the Dana Library, Marianne Gaunt, Natalie Borisovets, Lynn Mullins, and several teaching faculty.  Members of the audience were also invited to make statements.  I didn’t realize that she was into picassiette, a French mosaic art form.  Some of her art work was on display.


I always called Veronica when I had problems coping with the lunacy at my situation.  She always understood my difficulties with career issues.  It was very unfortunate that lines of communication between the NJIT and Dana libraries were so strained even though we are only two city blocks away.  She did speak a few times at my METRO Science Librarians Group.  She will be sorely missed by her friends, family, and colleagues.

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