Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I Guess I am Chicken to Drive in the Snow

Since I have taken public transportation to work for many years now, I just don't have much experience driving in the snow, so I was a little apprehensive, since it was not essential that we go. We watched part of the game on TV which the Islanders won 4-2.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Starting to get ready for the paint job

Monday, December 29, 2008
Not looking forward to painting the apartment in January

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Who is the Biggest Elvis Presley Fan in the Family?

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thoughts of the Day
Since Seton Hall basketball is being heard on WABC tonight at 7 PM, Saturday Night Oldies was only on until 6:45 PM. I don't think SNO fan #1 will apply to become a distinguished professor at Seton Hall. (Frank, please let me know what time Google picked up this posting, thanks) The show started off very well with Mark playing Bob Dylan's Rainy Day Women #12 and #35. I was disappointed that he only played a very short clip of the interview he did with the late Eartha Kitt. I am sure that if this were a full show he would have played the entire interview. Anyone who missed the show can hear the recording of it thanks to Medium Wave Dx. Check the Yahoo Board for the details.
I like to congratulate Pete Fornatale on the 26th anniversary of his Mixed Bag show which was heard on WNEW-FM, WXRK is now on WFUV from 4 PM - 8 PM on Saturday Nights. He is playing cuts from 26 artists that have been heard on the show over the years.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Spotlight on Al Kooper

Thursday, December 25, 2008
What I did on Christmas Day

Right after breakfast I surfed the web as I usually do on non-workdays. Afterwards I decided to go to the local schoolyard to shoot some baskets with Lee. Since the last two days were warm, most of the snow melted, so we could play. We then took a quick ride to Forest Hills to visit my mom. She was frustrated since she couldn't go out for several days due to the weather. Karen brought her Lee's graduation photos while Lee received his Channukah gelt.
When I got home I received a phone call from oldies radio enthusiast Cara Seiden who told me that Ben's Deli in Bayside renewed its lease for another 10 years. If you check my memo of November 27th, you will note that it was feared that Ben's would close, but they negotiated a new lease.
The local multiplex was one of the few places open so we saw the movie. Seven Pounds with Will Smith which I highly recommend. It was better than the movies that we've seen recently.
Since there was an basketball game we watched Jeopardy at 5 PM on WLNY from eastern Long Island. Yes, it is nice to have to times to watch Jeopardy.
At 6:30 SNY reran the final ceremony at Shea Stadium on September 28, 2008. We were sitting in the upper deck, so we were able to see closeups of the players on TV.
Until tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Some Changes to Bruce's Journals
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Letter from the New York Mets Ticket Office

Monday, December 22, 2008
Lunch with Roz, Galen and Aron at Seabra Rodizio

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Why Destroy a Building after 24 years?

There is a new football stadium being built in the New Jersey Meadowlands for the Jets and Giants to be ready for the 2010 season. I must presume that Giants Stadium that was completed in 1976 will be demolished. Who benefits by these new stadia that are supported by the taxpayers? Likewise most of the funding for Citifield and the new Yankee Stadium came from New York City and state funds. Will the average baseball fan be able to get tickets?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I just hate it when there is snow on the ground
Friday, December 19, 2008
First Snowfall of the season

Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Need to Think of New Ideas for This Journal
- Radio
- New York Mets
- Problems with Commuting
- Bob Dylan
I will have to think of some new things to discuss. This has just come to mind. I have talked about different eras in my life but I haven't discussed my elementary and junior high school years. I will have to scratch my head and go back 45-50 years. I think I can do it.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Crazy Commute Today

Monday, December 15, 2008
Bob Dylan Song of the Moment - Trust Yourself
This time I am not taking anything out of context
Trust Yourself
Trust yourself,Trust yourself to do the things that only you know best.
Trust yourself,Trust yourself to do what's right and not be second-guessed.
Don't trust me to show you beauty
When beauty may only turn to rust.
If you need somebody you can trust, trust yourself.
Trust yourself,Trust yourself to know the way that will prove true in the end.
Trust yourself,Trust yourself to find the path where there is no if and when.
Don't trust me to show you the truth
When the truth may only be ashes and dust.
If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself.
Well, you're on your own, you always were,
In a land of wolves and thieves.
Don't put your hope in ungodly man
Or be a slave to what somebody else believes.
Trust yourself
And you won't be disappointed when vain people let you down.
Trust yourself
And look not for answers where no answers can be found.
Don't trust me to show you love
When my love may be only lust.
If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself.
Copyright ©1985 Special Rider Music
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Spotlight on Bob Radil

Why I Enjoy Cousin Bruce Morrow's Show on XM/Sirius

- He is always friendly in interactions with listeners. Whenever I have met him in person, he was friendly to the people in the audience.
- He takes requests from his listeners. He play what we want.
- The playlists on his show are a good blend of familiar hits (even burnouts) and relatively obscure records.
Cousin Bruce is a mensch. His show has become my first choice for radio listening on Saturday Nights. He really seems to enjoy his gig at XM/Sirius since he is not bound to a tight playlist as he was on terrestrial radio. For those readers of my journal who are not radio enthusiasts, his Wikipedia entry provides a good biography.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Queens College Basketball Today

I guess the Saturday Night Oldies diehards would be ashamed of me for missing most of the show. I am not thrilled about hearing repeats of interviews, so I listened for a while and then watched the game. I am now listening to Cousin Bruce Morrow on XM/Sirius.
Friday, December 12, 2008
From the Facebook Profile of a Camera Shy Man
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Spotlight on David McMillan

Since you told me you have read this journal, you must know I am a radio enthusiast. But did you know that our mutual friends Anthony Grimaldi and Mike Byrnes associated you with a famous radio personality? I going to make you guess which one it is from the one's below:
- Bill O'Reilly
- Bob Grant
- Mark Simone
- Rush Limbaugh
- Dan Taylor
- Jonathan Schwartz
You get only one guess, Dave.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Bill O'Reilly - Strong Roman Catholic Values

On the front cover you can see young Bill reading a prayer book while on the back cover he is seen with Sister Mary Lurana who was his teacher at St. Brigid's School in Westbury, Long Island. Bill later attended Marist College. He traces his journalistic career and constantly refers to his Catholic upbringing from his parents and his teachers. He projects his sense of humor throughout the book which is a relatively easy read. He does not use scholarly language, but does not insult his readers either. I have about 50 pages to go which I might not finish until Saturday. Since I am working late tomorrow, I bring my Radio/CD player on the trains. Friday is my Sports Illustrated day, so I may not get to Bill's book until Saturday. Dave will likely review the book in either his World Journal File or his new personal journal.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Who is your friend on Facebook

Over the last 3 years I have made "friends" with
- NJIT colleagues
- NJIT students
- College friends (from 40 years ago)
- High school classmates (from over 40 years ago)
- Radio enthusiasts
- Bob Dylan fans
- Mets fans
- Colleagues from other universities
- Relatives
- People with the surname Slutsky, even though we are not related
- People I don't even know. Other people take the expression "friend" literally.
I have about 350 Facebook "friends" many I don't even know
I have found out some interesting facts about people:
- Mark and Richard who are librarians at other New Jersey universities are also Bob Dylan fans.
- Joe, my beer drinking buddy from CCNY is still a big Mets fan even though he moved to California years ago. He is also a radio enthusiast
- My nephew, a student at SUNY Oswego attended a Bob Dylan concert there
- The librarian who spoke about Facebook is dating one of my NJIT colleagues
- My colleague at an upstate New York university had a baby recently
- A former NJIT colleague was recently granted tenure at another university
We all must be careful about what we write on Facebook since anyone can see what was written. People do have minor conflicts all the time. I think it is quite immature to de-friend a person after a difference of opinion about something. This has happened to me a few times.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Another Line from a Bob Dylan song taken out of context

I Am A Lonesome Hobo
I am a lonesome hoboWithout family or friends,
Where another man's life might begin,
That's exactly where mine ends.
I have tried my hand at bribery,Blackmail and deceit,
And I've served time for ev'rything'Cept beggin' on the street.
Well, once I was rather prosperous,
There was nothing I did lack.
I had fourteen-karat gold in my mouth
And silk upon my back.
But I did not trust my brother,
I carried him to blame,
Which led me to my fatal doom,
To wander off in shame.
Kind ladies and kind gentlemen,
Soon I will be gone,
But let me just warn you all,
Before I do pass on;
Stay free from petty jealousies,
Live by no man's code,
And hold your judgment for yourself
Lest you wind up on this road.
Copyright ©1968; renewed 1996 Dwarf Music
That guy on the upper east side seems to have some problems with me. I was willing to reach out to him, but he just has no dignity or class. I guess I should congratulate myself on my dissociation from him.
Theme Time Radio Hour - Street Maps

Lee was absolutely thrilled to hear that this week's theme of Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour is "Street Maps". He brings his mpasw whenever we leave the house. At yesterday's "Meet and Greet" he insisted that I take a photo of him with his map. Below is the set list from the show.
14th Street - Laura Cantrell (2005)
Straight Street - The Pilgrim Travelers (1955)
Streets of Gold - The Skatalites (excerpt)
King of the Road - Roger Miller (1965)
Lonely Avenue - Ray Charles (1956)
Hit the Road, Jack - Percy Mayfield (1961)
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day (2004)
61 Highway - Mississippi Fred McDowell (1959)
Lost Highway - Hank Williams (1949)
Willin' - Little Feat (1971)
(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66 - Nat King Cole (1942)
Route 90 - Clarence 'Bon Ton' Garlowe (1954)
The Dark End of the Street - Mud Boy & The Neutrons (1993)
Going Down the Road Feeling Bad - Woody Guthrie with Cisco Houston & Sonny Terry (1944)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Today's Oldies Meet and Greet in Manhattan

Anita Bonita - worked with big Jay at WJRZ and also a Z-100
Pat St. John (see yours truly with him in the second photo) - He has done part-time work from WCBS-FM but is best known for many years at WPLJ and WNEW-FM.
Jeff Scheckner, the main organizer thanked Frank D'Agostino, myself and Alan Berman for helping to organize the event. Frank who documents every song on the show thanked me for helping him identify some instrumentals that Mark Simone played. He told everyone that I was a big fan of Bob Dylan. I would certainly say that this event was a great success.
Another Night of Jazz at Flushing Town Hall

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Changing Demographics in Queens
Lee's Bar Mitzvah was held in 2001 at Temple Israel of Jamaica at 188th Street and the Grand Central Parkway. This congregation lost membership and merged with another reform temple in New Hyde Park. The building was sold to a Muslim organization who converted the building to a mosque.
It seems that younger Jews are not staying in Queens. They must be moving out to the suburbs. At least 2 synagogues have closed an sold their buildings to other religions.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Writer's Cramp Today
Monday, December 1, 2008
Congratulations Judy Mermelstein
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I was heard on another radio station tonight

BBC2 - Sounds of the 60s with Brian Matthew
Transporter 3 - Real or Fantasy?
Frank Martin puts the driving gloves on to deliver Valentina, the kidnapped daughter of a Ukranian government official, from Marseilles to Odessa on the Black Sea. En route, he has to contend with thugs who want to intercept Valentina's safe delivery and not let his personal feelings get in the way of his dangerous objective.
IMHO a movie should project reality or fantasy not both. There were several scenes in this movie where the main character Frank Martin performs stunts that are physically impossible. I can understand a comic book character like Superman, Batman, or Spiderman performing unnatural students, but not a normal human being. Let me give an example:
Frank Martin is sitting in a car on a bridge over a river. His adversaries pushed him and the car into the river. He is then seen breathing air out of the tires and using the tire air to inflate a raft he has in the trunk to lift the car out of the water. He then gets a friend to help him start the car after it had been immersed in water for a long period. He then drives his car (the tires seemed OK) about 100 MPH to catch up with the thugs.
It's only a movie.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
From Canal Street to Soho to Greenwich Village

1. DVD collection of Traveling Wilburys videos
2. CD of a Johnny Cash concert at Madison Square Garden in the 1970s
3. CD of Jimi Hendrix at Monterrey Pop
From there we walked by another rarity, a Barnes and Nobles bookstore. Karen bought here cats calendar and a Jeopardy calendar.
Rock Hall of Fame Annex in Soho
We enjoyed our time at the Rock Hall Annex, but it was very small. We felt that $26 admission was high when we completed the tour in just under two hours. I was able to get a discount since I joined the Rock Hall when I was in Cleveland last June.
Friday, November 28, 2008
It was Literary Friday for me

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Queens may be losing another kosher deli

Ben’s Deli Bay Terrace deal is dead
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 8:50 PM EST
The 15-year run of Ben’s Deli at the Bay Terrace shopping center will end on the last day of January, now that nearly two years of negotiations have failed to produce an agreement between the kosher deli and landlord, Cord Meyer development.The first word of the impasse came on Friday, November 14, when Ben’s released an “open letter,” saying that the deal was “killed,” with Ben’s spokesperson Scott Singer declaring, “Cord Meyer pulled the plug at the eleventh hour.”One week later, Cord Meyer issued a statement in response, “to provide the patrons of our Bay Terrace Center and the community at large with the facts relating to that matter and to assuage disappointment and concerns created by the unfortunate characterization of events.”“We can sincerely say that in the 104-year history of our company, we have never made a greater effort to accommodate a tenant or spent more time and thoughtful effort to bring a lease transaction to fruition,” they said.
The two sides have different interpretations of the facts on which they agree. Ben’s insists they “could not afford the pay the 86 percent rent increase that Cord Meyer demanded.”Cord Meyer related that the deli owners told them “Our customer base is moving out of the neighborhood, and we can’t afford any rent increase at all. We may be able to hang on for another 5 years.”According to the landlord, “Our organization felt that there was a need to have a kosher restaurant with a fine reputation to continue to service the community.”Both parties agree that ultimately, negotiations focused on a new location in the upper level of the shopping center, in the new construction around the Loews Movie Theater.In addition, both agree that the proposed agreement included a highly-unusual move for a landlord, “building out” the new space to suit the tenant and providing the financing to do so.Singer conceded that “It was a unique deal - [landlords] don’t normally do that,” although he also pointed out that “The landlord would “get the money back with interest in the form of increased rent.”
A Cord Meyer spokesperson confided that “The unique provisions we made added to the complexity of the lease and is one of the reasons we asked them to bring in an attorney months ago, but they didn’t.”The lack of legal counsel may have led to the collapse of the negotiations in the final analysis.The Cord Meyer spokesperson insisted that “we were very close,” to striking a deal and there were “just a few items to be clarified.” Singer however suggested that Ben’s felt insecure because “they took the first store and leased it out from under us.”What followed was an email directly from a principal at Ben’s, which led Cord Meyer to conclude that they were “insincere” - and end negotiations.“After all our above-and-beyond efforts to accommodate Ben’s and serve the community,” the Cord Meyer spokesperson said, “The tone and substance of the email struck senior management as having a lack of good faith in us.”
For all the disappointment, Singer seemed conciliatory. “I can understand the landlord has to make a profit,” he said adding, “Negotiations get contentious, sometimes.” He insisted that it was “just about business,” declaring “Nobody ever said anything to me to make me feel otherwise.”Kosher deli lovers can take comfort that both parties are actively looking to fill their needs.Singer revealed that Ben’s is actively searching out a site nearby. Cord Meyer also declared they were “committed to our patrons and shall continue to strive to see that a kosher food menu will be available,” from another tenant.
But in Bay Terrace shopping center, it’s bye-bye Bens.
A New York Radio Tradition Continues the Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Vitamin C and the Common Cold

I felt better when I woke up this morning, so I went to work. It was pretty slow anyway and they let us go home 2 hours early. I have taken one 500 mg tablet of Vitamin C every day for years. My colds are usually mild and take their course over a shorter today. In the 1980s I read the book Vitamin C and the Common Cold by Linus Pauling. He took several grams of it every day and lived to over 90. Dr. Pauling has the distinction of winning the Nobel Prize twice, for chemistry and for peace.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Blasted Cold
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Quantum of Solace

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Our first Basketball Game of the Season was a Blowout
We took the A Train to See Bob Dylan Last Night
Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob on harp center stage - no keyboard, Stu and Denny on stage for all songs)
The Times They Are A-Changin' (Bob on harp)
The Levee's Gonna Break (Donnie on electric mandolin)
Tomorrow Is A Long Time (Bob on guitar)
Things Have Changed (Donnie on violin)
Desolation Row (Donnie on electric mandolin)
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Donnie on banjo)
Beyond The Horizon
'Til I Fell In Love With You (Bob on harp)
Make You Feel My Love
Honest With Me
Spirit On The Water
Highway 61 Revisited
Ain't Talkin' (Donnie on viola)
Thunder On The Mountain
Like A Rolling Stone
All Along The Watchtower
Blowin' In The Wind (Bob on guitar, Donnie on violin)
Dylan very often slurs his word when he sings, so it often takes a while for me to make out the song, especially the newer ones. This was the first time in several concerts that I have been where Dylan played the guitar. I just loved the harmonica solos.
Dylan has toured almost continously since 1992 with breaks duing the holiday season. Last night's concert is the last in this leg of what is known as "The Never Ending Tour." In 2008 we saw Dylan twice, but you never know when he could stop touring since he is 67 years old. Perhaps he will collaborate with Paul McCartney in the months to come.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bob Dylan Vacation Day
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Flash! - Paul McCartney wants to Record with Bob Dylan

Listening to Cousin Bruce Morrow on XM/Sirius

Passion for Dylan Runs in the Family

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
False alarm about All Christmas Music on WCBS-FM
A clarification was made on the air today. WCBS-FM will play all Christmas music on Monday - Friday 7 PM - 12 midnight only. I will listen to WCBS-FM at other times of the day.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I will not listen to WCBS-FM until December 26

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thoughts of the Day
Sports Notes
The NJIT basketball team started out where they left off last season by losing its opener to Manhattan College 56-32. They have now lost 34 games in a row to tie the NCAA record for consecutive loses. I am just stating the facts here.
The Knicks blew a lead and lost to the Dallas Mavericks 124-114 in overtime. The Knicks are now 6-4 which is much better than last season
Radio Notes
Today's stations
WAXQ - Breakfast with the Beatles with Ken Dashow
XM/Sirius - 60s
XM/Sirisu - 70s featuring American Top 40 with Casey Kasem
WNYC-FM - standards show with Jonathan Schwartz
I was disappointed when I accessed WODS-Boston to hear the Lost 45s with Barry Scott. They were already playing all Christmas music. It is just too early for that.
Soul Men and Ellen's Stardust Diner

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Another Rainy Saturday
Friday, November 14, 2008
Mom and Her Mah Jongg Friends over the years

Betty Cohan
Evelyn Mauer
Shirley Dule
Ruth Scheinbart
Once a week they would play and rotate the location. During the Christmas season my father had to work late every night so they would play at our house because my mother didn't want to leave my sister and me alone since she was afraid we would fight. The entire group with their husbands came to my Bar Mitzvah in April 1962.
Betty Cohan had two daughters about my age. During my senior year in high school Roy and I met her older daughter Fran outside her apartment on Saunders Street walking her dog in the morning. In the late 1990s we reconnected on a chat of Forest Hills High School graduates from the late 1960s. We had a mini-reunion in Tenafly, NJ in 1998. Sadly, Fran died of breast cancer in 2000 at age 50.
Shirley Dule lived diagonally across the street from us in Rego Park. Since she had a problem schlepping the Mah jongg set, I would come over to pick it up and bring to my house when they played. Her husband Irving became friends with my Dad. I distinctively remember he took us on a fishing trip to Jones Beach. Irving Dule was a coach in the Forest Hills Little League, though I never played on one of his teams. I was never a very good athlete anyway. He also liked to tinker with electronics, so whenever we had a problem with our TV set we would call him over to fix it. Shirley and Irving had two daughters Ellen and Linda. Sadly, Irving died of cancer in 1971. About a year later Shirley relocated to Arizona. I believe a few years later both of her daughters moved out there. Very recently, I reconnected with Ellen through Facebook.
Evelyn Mauer had a son about a year older than I named David. I remember that Evelyn recommend the photographer that we used for my Bar Mitzvah. In 1966 I would run into Evelyn on the Q60 bus when I worked as a volunteer for Memorial Hospital.
I did not keep track of Mom's Mah jongg activities from the early 1970s to the late 1990s when she formed another group with:
Eleanor Herschaft
Muriel Wolfe
Betty Solomon
Sadly, these three ladies passed away within the last few years.
Eleanor is the mother of Roy who has been my friend for over 40 years. One of these days I'll have to write an entry about him.
My Cousin Billy Slutsky married Muriel's daughter Barbara in the early 1970s. I remember my mother was annoyed back then since Joyce and I were not invited to their wedding. Billy and Barbara were inseparable while they were dating, but their marriage didn't last very long. Both of them have remarried.
In recent years Mom played Mah jongg with some women at her pool club. I never became acquainted with any of them. This season, these women did not rejoin the pool leaving my mother without a group.
Why is Mah jongg only played by women while other board games are not "gender specific."?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Today was a radio day

XM/Sirius - The Loft
XM/Sirius Classic Rewind
XM/Sirus Adult Albu Rock
XM/Sirius Sinatra/American Standards
WWOZ - New Orleans (a tape that I made when I was there in 1999)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Good Luck Jeff Mazzei

Changes to my XM Radio online subscription