Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Some 1964 Memories of Shea Stadium

When I found the above photo on this web site today (http://www.carlabraham.com/NewYorkMets.htm) it brought back memories of the first year at Shea Stadium and the New York World's Fair.  I already wrote about my first game there.  On May 31 my father and I went to the World's Fair.  When we got home it was the 9th inning of the second game of a doubleheader between the Mets and the Giants.  This Mets eventually lost this game 8-6 in the 23rd inning after 11 PM.  A friend of mine at Russell Sage Junior High School claimed he went to the games and stayed ntil the end.  Right after graduation day from Sage in June my father took my sister and me to a Met game.  Back then box seats were $3.50. On  Fathers Day in 1964 Jim Bunning of the Phillies pitched a perfect game against the Mets.

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