Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Reading about Dylan than listening on his birthday

A few days ago I remarked about purchasing this book.  I sat on my favorite park bench this afternoon and completed it.  Suze Rotolo was Bob's girlfriend in the early 1960s when they lived together in Greenwich Village.  Suze was quite forthright in her discussions of her relationships with him back then.  Attitudes toward unmarried couples living together were much different back then.  She talked about how certain songs he wrote like Down the Highway and Boots of Spanish Leather were about their relationship.  My question to her would be why she waited 40 years to write this memoir.   Suze also discussed the political and folk music scene of that era.  I did not know that she made a trip to Cuba without Bob.  It was a partial biography that covered only the early to mid 1960s.  I think she should have included a page or even a few paragraphs that informs the reader of her more recent activities.  There was just a current photo with a caption saying that she is an artist living in NYC with her family.  NJIT readers of this journal may borrow my copy.
I just hate the Digital Millenium Copyright Act that limits the number of times that an Internet radio station can play a specific artist per hour.  In the old days WFUV would play on Dylan music on his birthday.  When I turned on the station at 4 PM Pete Fornatale said that in honor of Bob Dylan's birthday this show will feature harmonica songs.  I listened for one hour and heard only Song to Woody.
I watched the Met game until about 6:40 to make sure they won this one.  The final was 9-2.  I hope the Distinguished Professor (Alan) and the Dean (Frank) forgive me for missing part of Saturday Night Oldies.  Sometimes you have to juggle your passions.  As of now I haven't heard any Dylan on the show.

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