Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jazz Concert in the Neighborhood

I really wanted to do something different this weekend.  For years I have passed by Flushing Town Hall and noticed that they featured concerts.  On most Friday evenings I would be too tired to do anything, but over the summers I  would like to take advantage of the 3 day weekends so we went to a concert there last night with the Jeb Patton Trio .  I became somewhat interested in traditional jazz by listening to WBGO  whose studios are within walking distance on NJIT in Newark.  Most of the audiences were senior citizens.  Speaking of seniors, I ran into an old friend, Lenny, who I knew years ago through Queens Bnai Brith Singles.  I hand't seen Lenny for at least 20 years.  I was active in that group from 1978-81.  Back then I thought the members were using the group as a substitute for dating.  I did make several long time friends in that group.

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