Saturday, June 21, 2008

Spotlight on the late Salty Brine - WPRO (AM) Providence

Many readers of this journal may not know that I was a student at the University of Rhode Island (URI) from 1972-74 where I obtained my masters degree in chemistry.  URI was about 30 miles south of Providence and 160 miles away from NYC.  During most times I could get NYC AM stations.  Back then AM radio was king and everybody in Rhode Island listened to WPRO and Salty Brine in the morning.  This man really generated excitement on the radio.  I fondly listened to him as I drove to school all those years ago.    Sadly, a year later in 2004 Salty passed away.  It was noted that he was born and died in years that the Boston Red Sox won the World Series.  I'm sure he was smiling last October.  There is actually a Salty Brine State Beach in southern Rhode Island.  I'd love to see Coney Island renamed the Cousin Bruce Morrow Beach or Rockaway named the Harry Harrison Beach.  Salty's son Wally Brine does a morning show at WROR Boston.


  1. You are in great company! Other New York personalities who previously worked at WPRO include WCBS-TV correspondent Magee Hickey and WABC Radio great Mark Simone.

  2. The late Jack Spector was on the air at WPRO long before they had an FM. He also wore the music director hat at that time - from 1959 to 1961. He later landed at WMCA New York and was developed with the rest of the crew into the "WMCA Good Guys" by PD Ruthie Myers. Jack passed during an air shift at WHLI Hempstead/Farmingdale, NY in March of 1994.
