Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mama Mia, the Movie - Actors and Actresses can't sing

The weather forecast called for showers this afternoon and we sat through 5 hours of the Mets last night so it was time for a short walk over to the multiplex.  The broadway show Mama Mia has been around for several years and has been considered excellent by critics and patrons of the theater.  It seems that movie makers ran out of new ideas so they adapt TV series and Broadway shows for film.  I will leave the formal review to the professionals.  Please see this review from Variety.

I have great respect for Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan's acting abilities.  Streep certainly deserved the Oscars that she recieved while Brosnan did justice to the James Bond role.  However, their singing and that of their co-stars were from hunger.  A good actor is not a singer.  I would have much rather seen and heard unknown but good singers in this film.

On the other hand many singers are not good actors.  Neil Diamond was terrible in the remake of the Jazz Singer in  1980.  One of Bob Dylan's worst works was his role in the movie Hearts of Fire.  The movie was so terrible that it was not released in the theaters.  I did rent a copy from Blockbuster video and was tempted to chuck it in a garbage can on Desolation Row.

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