Friday, July 11, 2008

Recalling - Fall 1978 - Spring 1981 - The Queens Bnai Brith Singles Years

When I returned to Queens in fall 1978, I needed to find a new circle of friends.  Since I remembered the Bnai Brith singles group in New Jersey, I thought there would be one I Queens.  I called the NYC office of B’nai Brith and found out there was a singles group in Queens.  In November 1978 I began to go to their meetings.  The people in the group were friendly, but for the most part used it as a substitute for dating.  It was quite different from the New Jersey group where there was much pairing off.  I did meet several male friends in the group.


There was Gary who was boring, because he asked too many questions.  There was Howard K who was very cheap and very tactless about it.  There was Howard F who went to hundreds of sporting events every year.  I met Herb who is a very big trivia and radio enthusiast.  Herb was the best man at my wedding in 1983 and we are friends to this day.  Herb was a postman and had difficulty meeting Jewish girls who wanted to date a professional man.  In 1990 he married a gentile girl.  He must be the only person in the world who does not know how to use a computer today.


The biggest character in the group had to be Lenny who must be the world’s biggest gossip.  He had to say something about everything. We used to associate Lenny with the Pink Panther Theme.  This is why you see the Pink Panther in this journal entry.  It is a small world, since a few weeks ago I met him at Flushing Town Hall.


I had some good times in Queens B’nai Brith singles even though I didn’t find any dates there.  I met Karen in August 1980, outside of this group, and as our relationship progressed, I had to phase myself away that group.  I really paid my dues to the singles scene and much better things were on the horizon.


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