Monday, July 21, 2008

Staycation in nearby Bayside Queens

I drove over to nearby Bayside this morning to read the rest of the Sunday New York Times.  I'd like to recommend this article in the magazine section to readers of this journal.  It was a biography of Times reporter David Carr who recovered from crack addiction to become a success in life.  I was sitting on a bench in Crocheron Park across from the tennis courts.  An old codger was annoyed because some kids were throwing sticks onto the courts.  As he finished his game I overhead his chatting with his friend about the weekend.  He said he enjoyed the weekend until he saw the movie Mama Mia which stunk.  I'll have to check it out in a few weeks.  I decided to leave and go home.  I arrived exactly at 12 noon to hear the Beatles on Q-104.3.  That station always play the Beatles at noon to continue a tradition begun by NYC radio legend Scott Muni aka The Professor.  At 12:30, I watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire with Meredith Viera.  Later on Karen, Lee and I went back to Bayside to eat dinner at Ben's Deli.  I suggested to the manager that they open a restaurant in Chicago.  We walked around the mall and stopped at the FYE music store.  Sadly, those stores are becoming dinosaurs.  I just wasn't in a buying mood today.  When we got home Lee put on a Johnny Cash CD on.  I don't remember how he became such a big fan of the Man in Black.  When I turned on the TV at 7 PM, I was pleasantly surprised that Jeopardy was not in reruns yet since in past years repeats of tournaments are shown in the 6 weeks before Labor Day.

Staycation continues tomorrow.  No buses, no trains, and no requests for temporary IDs.

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