Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday Night Oldies vs the Mets - What should I do?

For the last two weeks I had to listen to recorded versions of Saturday Night Oldies.  However, the Mets are in a tight race in the National League East.  The Met game started at 7 PM.  What should I do?  Mark Simone announced that Dan Ingram will be interviewed after 9 PM.  Lee who is 20 years old and was not born when Dan appeared on WABC says he wants to listen to the interview.  Lee did listen to Dan when he did weekends on WCBS-FM.  I will listen to the show until the conclusion of the Dan Ingram interview.  If the Met game is close, I will watch that.  Karen and Lee who are watching it in the other room are advising me of the happenings at the game.  David Wright hit a two run homer as the Mets are leading 2-0.

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