Saturday, September 20, 2008

College Football Today - Hofstra vs Rhode Island

Readers of this journal may recall my post of July 6th when I described my two years as a student at the University of Rhode Island (URI).  Today the URI football team played Hofstra at James Shuart Stadium as seen above.  Since one must be a season ticket holder to see professional football, we have seen games at Hofstra for years at $10/ticket.  We sat on the visitors side to root for my Alma Mater.  It is almost 35 years since I got my degree there, so I really didn't expect to see anyone that I knew back then.  Once a year I meet a chemistry professor that I knew at American Chemical Society meetings.  In a very exiting game Hofstra beat Rhode Island 23-20 with a field goal with 3 seconds to play.

I was teasing readers when I said that I would listen to Bob Dylan radio at 6 PM today.  I am listening to Saturday Night Oldies as a usually do.

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