Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Harry Harrison always would say....

"Every day should be opened like a precious gift." He would say that several times each day during his morning show throughout his 40 years in New York radio.  That saying really meant something today when we received an e-mail at work saying that Associate Provost and Professor of Chemical Engineering Dana Knox (seen below) passed away.  I just saw him yesterday at a retirement luncheon.  He was likely in his 50s younger than I.  The cause of death is not known to me at this time.  I had many pleasant dealings with him during my 16 years at NJIT.  We used to have lunch in the NJIT pub with other faculty in the chemical engineering department.  We would always kid about how slow the service was.

So remember what Harry told us so many times that life is a precious gift.  It can be taken away from us or a loved one at any time.

Rest in peace, Dana - You will be missed by the NJIT community

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