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Bruce Slutsky was born in New York City in 1949. I retired six years ago after working as a Science/Engineering Librarian at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark for 25 years. I was married to Karen until she passed away in February 2021. I have a son Lee who is now 35 years old. I am very much interested in the popular music of the 1960s, especially Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I am interested in rock and roll radio. I am an enthusiastic fan of the New York Mets.
1 comment:
NOT TRUE!! When in my early twenties, living in a VA suburb of DC...I came down with a cold 3 Octobers in a row. The first two years I said...It's just a cold, big deal...and continued with my daily routines. The cold would get weak to the point I thought it was going away...but then returned again and again and I never really "licked it" until SPRING! The 3rd year, I had some sick leave on the books and work was somewhat caught up...so I took off 3 days from work and stayed in bed, drank hot tea and chicken soup and took aspirin and slept and that cold was GONE in 5 days!! Now I believe the body can heal itself if we allow it to use our energy for healing instead of continuing on our routine tasks up and about. Also...there ARE some herbal things (like echinacea and others I cannot think of at this time) that can speed up your healing. Finally, I have found if I megadose on Vitamin C at the very first sign of a potential cold...it either does NOT blow into a full cold...or it leaves my system a lot sooner! So...DO take care of your colds, Bruce. You CAN get rid of them sooner.
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