Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thoughts of the Day

We had some kids come to the door last night trick or treating. They were likely from other buildings in the neighborhood.

It was a nice autumn day today. Lee and I went to Forest Park in the morning to play basketball and walk around. Later the three of went to Alley Pond Park to enjoy the Fall Foliage.

Saturday Night Oldies was only on for 1/2 hour tonight due to sports programming on WABC. So, I found other things to do. For a while I listened to Pete Fornatale's Mixed Bag on WFUV. I must say that Pete is the King of the theme set. Right now I am listening to XM Radio's Deep Tracks station. Later on we will start to watch the DVD Sunshine Superman, the Journey of Donovan. I say more on that in a future entry.

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