Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 48th Anniversary Mr. Ed

After four days of playing the History of Rock n Roll, WCBS-FM returned to regular programming this morning. Karen told me that after left for work this morning, DJ Dan Taylor mentioned to weatherman Mr. G (Irv Gikofsky) that 48 years ago today was the first appearance of Mr. Ed, the talking horse, on TV. Lee has been a fan of that show since he was a little boy. We had to explain to him that real horses do not talk. Just a few weeks ago as we were returning from an afternoon in Manhattan he asked that he watch the tape of Mr. Ed shows when he got home.

I did a little searching and found an interview of Alan Young (now 89 years young) with Fox News personality Bill O' Reilly. If you need more information about Bill, please check Dave DuBrow's World Journal File. In the interview, they talked about a book called Mr. Ed and Me and More that was published in 2007. We had to buy it from In fact Mark Simone interviewed Alan Young some time ago on Saturday Night Oldies. I am sure that the show's historian Frank D'Agostino could tell you the exact date. Below is the interview with Bill O'Reilly from Youtube:

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