Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm Glad I Don't Have Time Warner's Triple Play tonight

For years Time-Warner has been advertising a "Triple-Play" that for $100/month you can get cable TV, internet access and phone. I have been a Time Warner Cable TV customer since 1986 had have been reasonably satisfied with the service and the price. I have land line telephone service from Verizon and internet access through AOL DSL. Tonight at 6 PM the cable TV went out and after 4 hours the service has not come back. This is a rare occurrence. Luckily we have a small TV in the bedroom that we never connected to cable TV. Why should we pay for another installation and an additional monthly fee for a set we seldomly use. We even bought a converter box for this TV for the switchover to digital TV on February 17th. We were able to watch Jeopardy on channel 7 tonight, but Lee had to listen to the Knick game on the radio. If we had the Time-Warner triple play, I would have lost my phone and internet service as well. Hopefully the service will be restored soon.

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