Monday, February 2, 2009

Bob Dylan at the Superbowl and the Morning After

Oh well, Bob Dylan has sold out. There was a commerical on the Superbowl for Pepsi with Bob Dylan and Will.I.Am. Dylan fans will see that the Bob Dylan in the commercial is from 1966 while the song Forever Young was released in 1974 on the Planet Waves album. I would have to rank it one of my 10 favorite Dylan songs. The Joan Baez cover version was played at Lee's Bar Mitzvah reception in 2001. It was also covered by The Band and Diana Ross and many others. Does this mean I will buy Pepsi all the time. No. Karen does all the grocery shopping and buys soda from Coke and Pepsi. However, if I want to buy a drink at work, I have to buy a Pepsi product since NJIT has an exclusive contract with them.

Of course, Bruce Springsteen performed at half time at the Superbowl. Below is a video of the boss and Dylan singing Forever Young together.

For years I have had the clock radio on WFUV or WCBS-FM set for 6:10 AM. You never know whether a song, commercial, DJ talk or the weather report will come on when the alarm goes off. Today Like A Rolling Stone came on as the alarm went off. The day started out on the right note.


  1. Yeah, how many times does that make that Dylan has sold out now? Lots, I think! Ne'mind...he's still the only one that really matters.
    And I thought BS did a very good job at half-time, I was really impressed.

  2. At least Dylan owns the rights to his own songs. I guess superstars need to get big bucks to maintain their lifestyle.
