Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yesterday, Yesterday's and Hofstra Basketball

On the way home from work yesterday I stopped at the Borders in Penn Station. I bought Bruce Springsteen's new CD and Joe Torre's new book The Yankee Years. I had time to start on in today and read until page 80. Back in 1996, the baseball world didn't think highly of Joe since he had a losing record as a manager for the Mets, Braves, and Cardinals. I don't want to write a critique here, so see the Los Angeles Times for a book review.

This morning Karen, Lee and I drove to New Hyde Park and met radio enthusiast Cara Sieden for breakfast at a diner called Yesterday's. There was a mural on the wall with pictures of Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, James, Dean, Humphrey Bogart, and retired WCBS-FM personality Don K. Reed. Cara said that Don K. lives nearby and eats at that diner regularly. On the way there as we listened to WCBS-FM, Sue O'Neill announced that Andrea from Brooklyn keeps sending her text messages and photos of her doing the laundry. Oy Vey!

From there we drove out to Hofstra to see their basketball team beat Towson State 71-68.

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