Saturday, March 28, 2009

Celebrating Lee's Birthday at the Beatle's Brunch at BB King

The photo above was taken at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Times Square a few years ago. Today we went to BB Kings right across the street to attend the Beatle's Brunch featuring a tribute band called Strawberry Fields. We met our old friend Roy Herschaft who hadn't seen Lee in about 2 /12 years and wanted to celebrate his 21st birthday with us. The group came out dressed like the moptops of 1964. After the first set the group came out dressed like Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. They finished the concert by playing songs from 1967-1970. It certainly was not possible for them to play every Beatles song. Lee was disappointed since they didn't sing his favorite "Here Comes the Sun." They also didn't play Birthday from the White album.

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