Thursday, March 5, 2009

Larry Stahl found me on Facebook

Larry Stahl, my friend mostly in the 7th and 8th grade, found me on Facebook. If you see my entry for February 11th, you will note that I mentioned him as a friend. Here are some memories:

  • In the 8th grade Larry brought his tape recorder to school as our friend Joshua taped some classes. Mrs. Klein, the math teacher, went into a rage when he told her that he taped the class.
  • Mr. Cahill, our math teacher, called him Stinky. We then called Larry Stinky Stale.
  • We went to each other Bar Mitzvahs in the Spring of 1962. Larry had had a crush on a girl Bonnie Berkowitz and wanted me to invite her to my party. Larry invited our Social Studies teacher Mrs. Minov to his reception and she came. In 1972 Mrs. Minov was a contestant on the quiz show The Who, What or Where Game with Art James. Larry's service was at Temple Israel while his reception was at a catering hall called the Regency in Jamaica, Queens.
  • I remember one day Larry invited me to his house as with listened to the record The First Family with Vaughn Meader.
  • Larry went to Cejwin, a Jewish camp in the Catskills
  • Two of our mutual friends were Eric Fradkin and Alan Nelson
  • In the mid 1960s there was a baseball player who spent some time with the Mets also named Larry Stahl
  • In the 9th grade we were on the newspaper squad that deleivered the New York Times to students and teachers. There was a kid we didn't like who we called "The Monkey." His real name was Fred Rappoport

I'll probably remember more anecdotes later.

Yes, 5 minutes later, I remember this one:

  • Larry spread a story that I was madly in love with this real ugly girl named Monica.

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