Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hello Citifield. It was nice meeting you today

The construction of Citifield began during the summer of 2006. Whenever I passed the site on the #7 train I would always look out the window to see how the construction was progressing. However in Fall 2008 when the deconstruction of Shea Stadium began, I just couldn’t look. Now that the Shea is down I now look at Citifield as I anticipate the beginning of the 2009 baseball season.

Some months ago I bought a package of 15 game tickets for this season. A few weeks ago I received some tickets from the Mets to see the team workout on April 5th, the day before the start of the season. The purpose of our trip today was to see the new ball park, not necessarily to see batting practice.

W entered through the right field entrance and walked toward home plate. The corridors are very wide like the new ballparks that we visited on the Jay Buckley baseball tours of 2006 and 2007. There were plenty of food concession stands and souvenir shops. There is plenty of space to stand whenever there is a rain delay. We took a full tour of the ballpark. The mini amusement park that stood outside of Shea Stadium is now back of centerfield. There are plenty of TV monitors where you can see replays. We enjoyed the Jackie Robinson Rotunda placed by the home plate side of the park. We walked up to section 527 in the upper deck on the third base side where our plan tickets are to get a preview of our view.

From there we went to a souvenir shop where everyone got a tee shirt commemorating the opening of the park. We also bought to small model of Citifield to add to our set of New York City stadium models that include Ebbets Field, the Polo Grounds, Yankee Stadium and Shea Stadium.

Our last stop was the Home Run Apple that was taken from Shea Stadium. Citifield has a new apple which is in centerfield. You can see photos of our day at More will be written about Citifield and the Mets in future journal entries.

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