Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our First Game at Citifield - The Mets beat Milwaukee 1-0

There are certain days in your life you always remember:

July 15, 1957 - my first baseball game at Ebbets Field as the Brooklyn Dodgers beat the Milwaukee Braves 20-4. I was lucky to catch the Boys of Summer before they moved to Los Angeles. By the way, today the Cleveland Indians beat the Yankees 22-4

May 30, 1962 - My first Met game at the Polo Grounds as the Mets lost a doubleheader to the Dodgers. I went with my Dad and family friend Seymour Rosenberg. Back then there was always a doubleheader on a major holiday.

April 18, 1964 (45 years ago today) - My first game at Shea Stadium. The Mets lost to the Pitsburgh Pirates. I went with my 9th grade classmate Alan Metzger. I remember taking the #7 train to the game and seeing our Spanish teacher Miss Singer on the platform also on the way to the game. On Monday we discussed the game in Spanish.

April 18, 2009 - our first game at Citifield. The pitching was fantastic for both teams but the Mets won on an unearned run. Johnann Santana pitched 7 innings, whille J.J. Putz pitch the 8th and Francisco Rodriguez got the save. Recap. Hopefully we'll see more hitting in future games.

Check for more photos.

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