Monday, April 20, 2009

Some Thoughts on My 60th Birthday

I have about 2 hours to go, but I shouldn't be writing my personal journal at work. 60 years seems a long time, but we are on this earth for such a short time. We can all reminisce about the past, and I have done that many times in this journal. Nobody can predict their future, be it tomorrow or years from now. There is always things that elude us in life. Nobody can get everything he or she wants in this world. We can always hope for the best.

For this occasion I have selected what I feel is Bob Dylan's most underrated song "When the Ship Comes in" written in 1963. Like most Dylan songs it is vague and open to interpretation. Please interpret it your way. Thanks to Youtube, I am including the Dylan version and the cover by Peter Paul, and Mary.

Thanks for reading and listening.

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