The article was written by Douglas Brinkley, Professor of U.S. History, at Rice University. He actually interviewed Dylan for this article and we all know that it is rare when Bob gives an in depth interview to any journalist. He starts by describing a concert at the Palais des Congres in Paris where President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife attended and met Dylan backstage. In many articles, books, songs, and movies there is a short segment that really hits me:
"The audiences at the Palais de Congres were cross-generational: The grayhairs and the body-pierced youths sat side by side. At this juncture Dylan's audience is..... well, everybody."
The article moves along and discusses the new CD Together Through Life and other issues.
"Something is happening here and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. _________."
Not Mr. Jones this time. I'll let my reader interpret that last sentence anyway he/she wants.
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