Monday, May 25, 2009

Ending my vacation at the Met Game Tonight

Our 15 ticket package includes tonight's game against the Washington Nationals. By the time we get home, it will be too late to write a journal entry about the game.

I spent much of this staycation getting adjusted to my new laptop computer. I am trying to get used to the Windows Vista operating system which will take time after using Windows XP exclusively for 6 years, All the computers at NJIT still run on XP. I stopped using AOL via DSL and started my subscription to Time Warner's Road Runner. I am still using the AOL software and using the same e-mail address. I had a little problem with the driver with the CD/DVD drive, but I resolved it by using the help chat from Gateway Computers. I downloaded the WABC Rewound files and had time to listen to three of the segments. I still was not able to set up the wireless in my apartment. I just didn't have the patience this morning to call the 800 number provided by Linksys. I'll do it next week.

Back to work tomorrow. I guess one must be grateful to have a job these days.

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